Barcelona Airport
Sabadell - A Casa
Sabadell - Casa de Pepe i Marta
Sabadell - Pepe's Birthday
Barcelona - Plaça St Jaume
Barcelona - Plaça Reial
Barcelona - Ramblas
Barcelona - Parc Guell
Sabadell - La Llar
Barcelona - Camp Nou
Sabadell - Noemí
Cerdanyola - Casa Antonio
Cerdanyola - Casa Andreu
Sabadell - Victor Colomer
Badalona - Casa Kiko
Petra Arrives
Barcelona - Montjuich
Barcelona - Surprise Dinner
Sabadell - Boys Birthday
Barcelona - Casa Andreus
Sabadell - Farewells


Since we were in Spain September through October, the boys got an extra treat and were able to have their birthdays celebrated in Spain among family and friends!

We special ordered cakes for the boys at a local Pasteleria

Marta and Pepe were there to join us!

Petra and Leoni also shared the special day with us.

Pepe and Marta give Miquel a special gift.

The boys really felt special...

Miquel's special gift was a pocket watch...

He could not stop admiring it.

Another treat for Xerraire was to meet yet another online friend, Mercé!

We had to pose for a picture together!

Not to be outdone by the boys, Laura steals the show in costume. Here Marta helps her with the castenets.

Feeling like a Señorita!

In a festive mood all the way!

A party with dancing!

A pose.....

Some footwork

And finally cozy on Pepe's lap!

Our party cleaning up crew!

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Barbara Lopez